Lyndsay and Burt
Hi, I’m Lyndsay Potter – Reiki Practitioner, Sound Therapist Ambassador, animal communicator and founder of Petra Healing.
My journey to this point, empowering others to reclaim their health and well-being through natural therapies has been a long one. I’m sharing my story with you so you get to know me better. Who knows, it may inspire you to make some life changes too!
A passion to help
I have always loved animals from being a small child, dogs, cats and horses being my most joyful and was lucky to dog walk friends dogs, and ride out their horses! Sadly I was diagnosed allergic to them around the age of 8. It never put me off !
Moving onto a career path I felt an affinity to help others so my first job was as a Dental Nurse at Liverpool Dental Hospital.
After a few years I took a position of running a busy 20 chaired unit there and then went on to wanting to help people who were HIV positive to get dental treatment. Deciding to further knowledge I raised funds for 2 years to plan a tour of dental hospitals in the USA , Canada and California securing a 3 month sabbatical from the dental hospital and off I went!. It was truly life changing in many ways and came back to present my findings to various dental groups.
A year later and I moved on to be a medical rep selling rubber gloves to dental distributors and lecturing to the dental team about hand allergies, four years later I became a wound care representative selling to District Nurses a job I really enjoyed as it was indirectly helping patients heal their wounds.
A bit of a tom boy!
I had always ridden motor bikes from the age of 17 till around I was 23 and then went back around 2001 and over the years had a range of powerful motorbikes riding all over the UK and Europe with my boyfriend having amazing experiences, meeting new people and cultures.
We even rode our motorbikes to Carnac in France to see the Monolithic stones!
From Truck Driver…
During my medical repping years, covering the whole of the UK on the motorway networks I became fascinated with HGV trucks so much so I decide to take the licence in 1985 just to say I had got one not realising that 3 years later I went full time up until 2014!
I hauled anything from fresh goods in refrigerated trailers to containers coming in from all over the world and trailers of the paper which is used to make money!
I would take Burt my Jack Russell coss in the truck with me and would usually meet up with my boyfriend who owned his own truck and meet him somewhere in the UK and I would give Burt to him so they could go off on their adventures together!
Working in the motor racing world was a fantastic opportunity to drive all over Europe in a truck and be at the world famous Le man 24 races and drive a British truck in the USA!
…To Holistic Therapies
Around 2000 I became interested in holistic therapies that whole world started to open up to me I attended many fairs, talks and started to research more into several modalities and I was fascinated to start finding people like me! A passion to learn and to find the best way to help others in a variety of ways.
In 2005 I got attuned to Reiki 1 and 2 and in 2012 qualified as a Reiki practitioner for both humans and Animals Magic Healing for animals. Such a beautiful tool to use.
I decided to take this course because I wanted to support my older Jack Russell Fred with a supportive healing modality and reiki fitted the criteria, the thing was he never really liked it!!
A few weeks before he had to leave us and 18 and a half was we did have the most beautiful reiki session during the day when my side light came on and irradiated and glow that was about 2 ft wide round the lamp for quite a few seconds and then it went out! We both looked at each other and felt the most intense Love and connection to him it was magical.
Companionship Communication
Over the years I have attended several animal communication course and have found for me I can get lovely results with looking at a picture of a pet and with that then brings the clarity of seeing in my minds eye the visual of what ever the pet wants to relay.
My Jack Russell Terrier Fred passed away in 2010 and that night he sent me the vision of ‘Fred’s’ Place’ cafe/shop/groomers/training and education centre and a centre for holistic therapies for dogs; it’s an ongoing process.
The sudden stop
In 2012 the sacred sounds called out to me and over that two year period I had several conversations with a sound fork tutor but the timings were not right for me but I watched from a distance the timing was not right.
In June 2014 my truck driving boyfriend of ten years dropped dead of a heart attack aged only 50 and this knocked me sideways and put me in a very dark place, I stopped driving HGV and retreated into a dark shell for quite some time.
Sound Therapy
The sound fork frequencies in particular where calling out to me again, clips would pop up on you tube,or on websites and I just could not ignore the calling so March 2015 I went on a five day intensive sound therapist course, which gave me a much better understanding of the forks and frequencies and in 2020 I did training to use the sound forks with animals and Burt my dog is my biggest fan!
The sounds are truly beautiful and fascinating and are helping people with a whole range of physical, mental and emotional problems and it brings me great joy to share them with people and pets.
Sound frequencies work on a cellular level working with several of these electro magnetic systems such as the chakras, meridians, and auric field also know as the bio field which holds information.
Sound fork therapy is the practice of using vibrational frequencies retune the body as we are all vibrational beings resonating at different frequencies. Illness, stress whether physical, mental or emotional causes people to vibrate at lower frequencies, hence dis-ease.
Sound forks/chimes are used to in effect re- tune, tap in raise your vibrations and is very powerful in releasing and retuning your mind and body to state of calmness and clarity. Sound forks can used for a whole range of illnesses and conditions to support and reduce symptoms and in many cases have helped them to recover completely and can be used for assisting with:
- Soothing and harmonising your emotions.
- Stress and depression related disorders.
- Arthritis.
- Rebalances the emotional and physical.
- Fibromyalgia and relaxing muscles.
- Reducing the mental chatter in your head.
- Digestive problems.
- Awakening your higher state of consciousness.
- Migraines, headaches, sinusitis and tinnitus.
- Wounds, breaks and burns.
- Balancing all the cells in your body.
- Sleep disorders
Sound fork therapy is the practice of using vibrational frequencies retune the body as we are all vibrational beings resonating at different frequencies. Illness, stress whether physical, mental or emotional causes people to vibrate at lower frequencies, hence dis-ease.
Since 2015 I have just been quietly gaining further knowledge holding retreat days, group sound baths and seeing individuals. I was also seeing some dogs which included a pack of huskies and enjoying that work very much. There have been times where I just had to retreat and work on myself, meditate , reflect and took lots of summers going to beaches and immersed in forests and the stillness of nature.
Whats New?
Today my path has taken me down the road of reaching out to dog owners to to offer them a free sound fork frequency recording which can put dogs and humans into a deep state of relaxation which can last for hours and so is very helpful for nervous dogs.
I am working towards offering a special subscription group to join me twice a month for relaxation with your dogs and information on the various sound frequencies and will soon be launching a range of letterbox boxes full of surprises and online 1 to 1 sessions.
Dedicated to the love of my boyfriend who in a way forced me to look deep within myself and follow my heart, I am eternally grateful.