Unwind from the stress of daily life with a Day Retreat!
Do you fancy getting away from the hustle and bustle of life?
Do you want to just unwind, breathing out the stress and strain of daily living?
Breathe in the sounds of nature, whilst you are nurtured by ancient holistic therapies and bathe in the sounds of deep sonic resonances of the sacred Solfeggio sound forks.
Petra Healing now offers group Day Retreats in the glorious countryside just outside Newmarket for 4 people.
Your Day Retreat starts as you travel down the quarter of a mile tree lined track just outside Newmarket to see Petra Healing, nestled next to the woods.

The Start of Your Day Retreat
Your gentle nurture day starts with sound infused fresh veg/fruit juices to raise your vibrational frequencies. Over this light breakfast, you’ll set your intentions for the day. We then take a mindful walk in nature to start the de-stressing journey and stop to take in all that is around us whilst I introduce the sounds of the OM sound fork which will start to bring about a state of relaxation and balance to the body.
We then take a mindful walk in the glorious countryside surrounding Petra Healing, appreciating the nature to start the de-stressing journey. We’ll stop to take in all that is around us whilst I introduce the sounds of the OM sound fork to start to bring about a state of relaxation and balance to the body.

On returning to Petra Healing, the morning will be spent sitting in the courtyard garden with a selection of mindfulness colouring books and paper to use your creative side to draw whatever you’re feeling from your day so far.
Pick one of the following holistic therapies:
- Reiki,
- Hopi candles, or
- Indian Head Massage
I will see you individually for your chosen therapy for approximately half an hour of “you” time. Rebalance your energies, massage away the worries of your day, and take you into a deep self-healing state.
A light lunch is provided, soup, salads plus fruit and raw handmade cacao balls. There is access all day to herbal teas and fruit infused waters all of which will be sound infused with the 528 Universal Love and Transformation Fork so that the vibration frequency of the food is raised.

A Group Sound Bath To Complete Your Day Retreat
After lunch, you will settle down as a group either outside or inside depending on the weather. I will do a sound bath using a Tibetan bowl, sand stick and sound forks.
Each of you will take a journey into the sounds as they resonate in your body on different frequencies. The sounds can bring about great balance and harmony and as they resonate with your different energy systems such as the Chakras and Meridian. The sounds give a deep sonic massage of the mind bringing about calmness.
The after effects can last for several days!

After the sound bath you can if you wish share your experiences of the day, or rest a little while longer in the garden before heading off home.
The day retreat cost is £85 per person.
If you wish to extend your experience you can stay in this quiet retreat as a B&B guest for an extra £25 each.
Please contact me (Lyndsay) for further details and to book.
Tel: 07971 899754
Contact Lyndsay at Petra Healing

Lyndsay Potter
Lyndsay runs Petra Healing from her home/retreat centre which is situated quarter of a mile down a tree lined track in a rural wooded area. She is a sound practitioner using sacred sound forks, Reiki practitioner and recently learnt the art of Indian Head Massage and Hopi Candles. She also carries out sound therapy and Reiki (mainly on dogs) and is an animal communicator.